Dr. Robert Fingerote’s Suggestions
- Stay on a Low-FODMAP diet for bloating
Anti Reflux Diet
- No coffee/Pepsi/ Chocolate
- No fried or fatty foods
- No spices
- No processed meats
- No citrus fruits/juice
- No bigmeals
- Eat slowly
- Nothing to eat/drink ithin 2-3 hours of bedtime
- Take Ranitidine/Pepcid AC/Gaviscon for breakthrough pain
- Try Dexilant and see if it helps, take anytime, preferably before meals
Bland Diet from Diet Handout.org (3docs.org)
– 4-6 meals daily
– No large or heavy meals
– Eat slowly
– Chew food well
– don’t rush or hurry before and after meals
– Rest before and after eating
– Avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, especially on empty stomach
– Reduce anxiety and stress
– Sleep well
1. Alcohol, strong tea, coffee, cola, gravies and soups made from meat extracts
2. Pickles, spices, curries and condiments
3. All fried foods
4. Tough, twice-cooked or highly seasoned meats, sausages, bacon and pork
5. Salted fish and some fatty fish like herring, mackerel and sardines
6. Wholemeal bread, crisp breads, pastry and cakes containing dried fruit or peel
7. Rich, heavy pudding
8. Excess sugar and sweets
9. Raw and unripe fruit and dried fruits, nuts and pips, skins and peel of all fruit
10. Raw vegetables: celery, lettuce, cucumber, onions, radishes and tomatoes.
1. Dairy products (milk, cream, butter, mild cheese)
2. Eggs (not fried)
3. White fish, steamed baked or grilled
4. Bland meats: chicken, sweetbreads and tripe
5. White bread and toast, macaroni and rice
6. Butter on bread and in cookery
7. Plain biscuits and cakes, honey, maple sytup and jellies
8. Refined and wlel-cooked foods (e.g., corn flour, semoline, ground rice and oat flour)
9. Puddings: custard, blancmage, souffle, mousse and plain ice cream
10. Vegetables: potatoes, creamed or mashed, and green and yellow vegetables which may be sieved and pureed with butter
11. Fruits, stewed and preferably sieved and served as purees (e.g., apple sauce) and ripe raw bananas.
12. Weak teas and malted milk drinks
Eat pH 5+ foods like:
Meat & Seafood
- Lobster (cooked) – 7.1 – 7.43
- Shrimp (raw) – 6.5 – 7
- Crab – 6.5 – 7
- Tilapia (raw) – 6.6
- Halibut (poached) – 6.62
- Bass (sea/striped) – 6.5 – 6.78
- Flounder fillet (broiled) – 6.39 – 6.89
- Salmon (grilled) – 6.32
- Mackerel (cooked Spanish/King) – 6.07 – 6.89
- Octopus (grilled) – 6.3
- Tuna (in water, canned) – 6.18
- Turkey (fresh, roasted) – 6.17
- Sardines (fresh) – 6.15
- Tuna (seared) – 6.1
- Salmon (Red Alaska, canned) – 6.07 – 6.16
- Salmon (boiled) – 5.85 – 6.5
- Cod (broiled) – 6.05
- Cod (boiled) – 5.3 – 6.1
- Scallop – 5.9 – 6.3
- Hamburger meat – 5.8
- Chicken (grilled) – 5.23
- Beef (sirloin) – 5.1
Choose grass fed/organic, be conscious of higher omega 3 -> 6 ratio for seafood
Veggies & Herbs
- Cucumber (English) ~ 7.6
- Zucchini (raw) – 6.8
- Zucchini (cooked) – 5.69 – 6.1
- Cauliflower (cooked) – 6.45 – 6.8
- Cauliflower (raw) – 5.6
- Lettuce (various) – 5.7 – 6.15
- Spinach (frozen, cooked) – 6.3 – 6.5
- Spinach (raw) – 5.5 – 6.8
- Broccoli (cooked) – 6.3 – 6.8 28
- Celery – 6.24
- Iceberg lettuce – 6.23
- Swiss chard (raw) – 6.22
- Asparagus (raw) – 6.21
- Cilantro (fresh) – 6.18
- Kale – 6.01
- Cabbage – 5.98
- Arugula – 5.92
- Basil – 5.92
- Parsley (fresh) – 5.65
- Garden Cucumber – 5.44
- Orange bell pepper – 5.2
Carrots, asparagus, cabbage, mushrooms are better cooked, broccoli is better raw.Eat a minimum of 1 pound of vegetables above pH 5, half of which is raw. For example, each of these is approximately 1 pound:
- 1 English cucumber
- 2 zucchini squash
- 1 small head of cabbage
- 1 bag of spinach (5 cups of spinach is 1/2 pound)
- 1 bundle of asparagus
- 4 celery stalks
- 5 medium sized carrots is 1 pound, try half as raw snack and half as soup or stir-fry
- 4 handfuls of string beans
- Avocado – 6.27 – 6.58
- Watermelon – 5.18 – 5.6
- Cantaloupe – 6.13 – 6.58
- Banana (yellow) – 5 – 5.29
- Banana – 4.5 – 5.2
- Papaya – 5.2 – 6
- Dragon fruit – 5.45
- Honeydew – 5.42
- Pumpkin – 5.4
- Bosc pear – 5.15
Eat a minimum of a half a pound of raw fruit (one cup sliced/chopped) above pH 5, e.g.
- Handful of cubed cantaloupe plus a banana
- 1 large banana
- Quarter pound of a large papaya (1.5 cups of fruit)
- Quarter pound of 7 lb. baby watermelon (1.5 cups of fruit)
- 1 pear
- Berries, while acidic are allowed if they’re balanced with acid neutralizers like almond/rice/soy/coconut milk
- Oatmeal (cooked) – 6.2 – 6.6
- Rice (brown, cooked) – 6.2 – 6.8
- Rice (white, cooked) – 6 – 6.8
- Multigrain bread (Bread Alone) – 5.53
- Ezekiel 4.9 Flax – 5.48
- 100% Whole-grain bread
- Ezekiel 4:9 Sesame – 5.27
- Whole-wheat fiber bread – 5.07
Dairy Alternatives
- Almond milk (vanilla, Silk) – 8.4
- Almond milk (original flavor, Silk) – 8.36
- Soy milk (plain) – 7.94
- Tofu – 6.9 (nice)
- Rice milk (plain, organic) – 6.35
- Evamor – 8.8
- Smart Water – 7.7
- Fuji -7.55
- Evian – 7.36
- NYC tap water (unfiltered) – 7.23
- Voss flat water – 6.68
- Distilled water – 5.22
- Coconut water – 5.2
- Almond butter (natural) – 6.32
- Peanut butter (fresh ground) – 6.15
- Bragg Liquid Aminos (soy sauce alternative) – 5.00
- Egg white – 8.84
- Egg (hard boiled organic) – 7.48
- Egg yolk – 6.32
- Almonds (raw) – 6.08
- Walnuts (raw) – 5.96
- Cashews (salted) – 5.41
- Pistachios (salted) – 5.33
Overall notes:
Be careful with eggs, beans and dairy as these are hard to digest for many people. If you do want dairy, try goat’s milk or the following:
- Butter
- Blue cheese
- Parmesan
- Mozzarella
- Feta,
- other hard cheeses like Dublin, Parmesan, Asiago, and cheddar
Eat more fiber!Good examples of fibrous foods:
- Artichokes
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Spinach
There are two different types of fiber, soluble and insoluble.Soluble fiber slows things down in the digestive tract. Good sources:
- Beans
- Lentils
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Oat bran
- Pears
- Brussel Sprouts
- Sweet potatoes
Insoluble fiber speeds things up:
- Wheat bran
- Whole grains
- Dark leafy vegetables
- Broccoli
- Cabbage
- Zucchini
- Artichokes
- Leeks
- Broccoli
- Wheat
- Oats
- Soybeans
The best kind of monounsaturated fats:
- Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil (first pressing)
- Avocado and avocado oil
- Coconut oil
- Cashew
- Almonds
- Peanuts
Omega 3 rich foods:Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil (first pressing)
- Salmon
- Anchovies
- Herring
- Mackerel
- Trout
- Sardines
- Halibut
- Tuna
- Eggs
- Spinach
- Kale
- Seaweed
- Flaxseed
- Walnuts
Omega 6 rich foods:
- Sunflower seeds
- Pumpkin seeds
- Poultry
- Eggs
- Avocados
- Walnuts
- Pecans
- Cashews
Replacement / substitution advice:
Try asafetida, it’s really stinky at first but after cooking with heat (goes well with olive oil) it has a flavour similar to sauteed onions and garlic
Try fennel for onion substitute in soups, salads and sautees, it’s a good source of potassium, vitamin C, fiber and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients.
Try sumac to add sprinkle of tartness to stews, meat, fish and veggies [warning! this might be bad advice since Sumac is acidic]
Try carob powder, it has calcium and pectin (soluble fiber) [this stuff is awesome, I love it, but be careful as it’s slightly below pH 5]
Try star anise, can be used instead of artificial/sugar/citric sweeteners, can also be used for savory dishes like stews with red meat, poultry and pork
Try clove for savory dishes like lentils, chili, cold soups and deserts like pumpkin pie
The following are your enemies:
- Eating 3 hours before bed
- Not Sleeping
- Stressing out
- Soda
- Coffee/tea
- Citrus fruits (except for raw animal protein like fish/chicken marinade)
- Tomato
- Vinegar
- Wine
- Caffeine
- Chocolate (contains methylxanthine which loosens LES and increases HCL acid production)
- Alcohol
- Mint
- Raw onion
- Raw garlic
- Processed food
- Fried food
- Fruit juice
- Soft drinks
- Table sugar
- Cakes
- Cookies
- Candy
- White pasta
- White bread
- Ice cream
- Anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup (contains sulfuric acid)
- Pickled food
- Food in jars
- Fermented foods
- Canned foods (exceptions are canned tuna in water, chickpeas and beans ashed thoroughly to remove acidic liquids)
Be careful with:
- Seed oils (soybean, corn, canola, safflower, cottonseed, grapeseed)
- Peppers
- Berries
- Honey
- Organic Agave
Suggested food schedule:
Breakfast @ 7:00 am – 9:00 am
Midmorning minimeal @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Lunch @ 12:30 – 2:00 pm
Midafternoon minimeal @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Dinner @ 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Technical points
– Poor sleep upregulates ghrelin (appetite stimulation) downregulates leptin (satiety).
– Try three 1 hours sessions of aerobic exercise per week for better sleep
– Pepsin can float to other parts of the body like vocal cords, windpipe, lungs sinuses and even middle ear.
– Pepsin is most active between 1 – 4 pH and begins to less and less active at 5 and above
– Trauma from exposure to toxins (e.g. pollution or diet) knocks off single electrons which then bind mostly to oxygen-based molecules, oxidizing molecules and breaking their function
– Molecules affected by free radicals are called ROS (reactive oxygen species)
– This “oxidative stress” can be counterbalanced by Vitamins A, C and E, beta carotine, minreals like zinc, copper and selenium, and flavanoids.
– Transnasal esophagoscopy is safer and often just as good as traditional endoscopy- Bananas are naturally 5.7, canned baby food bananas are ph of 4, which is almost 2 points on the logarithmic pH scale, so it’s almost 100 times more acidic.
– Note that with excessive sugar rapidly ingested, the pancreas produces lots of insulin until blood sugar level drops, which then make you feel tired and go for more sugar.
– Monounsaturated lower LDL and heighten HDL
– Apple cider vinegar and alkaline ash theory is dangerous BS