The Wisdom of Baboonicus
The philosophical poetry of the baboon philosopher Baboonicus
The Meaning of Religious Conversion
I watched a video where a young man talked about his conversion experience, going from a broken, depressed atheist to a vibrant follower of Christ—and how Jordan Peterson helped him along. The essence of this conversion story is the transformation of emotional states. It begins with confusion, despair, and a lack of understanding, which are…
A Visit from the Angel of Death
The fever had harassed me for days. My breath was shallow, each inhalation catching like a thread pulled too tight. Pneumonia, they told me. Inflammation—fluid—a slow drowning within my own body. On the worst night, my lungs seized like locked doors.Air fled from me, and I couldn’t draw it back. The Angel of Death appeared…
The Nietzschean Architect
A brief summary of the controversial Italian architect Giambattista Ludovisi
Nietzsche and the Black Panthers
How did Nietzsche influence Huey Newton and the Black Panther Party?
Rome, Judea and Niceguys
An analysis of Niceguys/Incels using the Nietzschean concept of Rome versus Judea.
The Love of Humanity
The “religion of pity” to which one would like to convert us—oh, we know the hysterical little males and females well enough who today need precisely this religion as a veil and make-up. We are no humanitarians; we should never dare to permit ourselves to speak of our “love of humanity”; our kind is not…
Romanian Communism and American Freedom
Abstract I wrote this essay as a critique of common ideas about free markets and socialism, as found in an article by Carmen Alexe. I begin with the claim that that markets and governments are opposing forces by going through the origins of the market economy, with emphasis on the Mesopotamian credit system and the…
Sex and Tilakkhana
In this essay, explore the reasons why I think sexuality and pleasure are problematic. I start off with a brief introduction to the biology of sexual reproduction followed by a detailed account of my personal experiences with sexual attraction and orgasm. Finally, I introduce the Buddhist concept of tilakkhaṇa which I believe is a helpful…
Between the Weed and Me
I first decided to smoke weed in the third grade. That is to say, the final straw that broke the authoritarian bind which prevented me from becoming a weedlover began with a simple English exam, where the teacher outrageously marked my spelling of ‘because’ as incorrect. I had opted for the clipped ‘cause’ since that’s…
Heraclitus in the Danube
An essay about my great-great-grandmother Katinka, the origins of Romania, abortion, Darwin, whiteness, the Nazis, and using philosophy as a way create identity.
Belly Alchemy
My most ambitious writing project to date, which, if you read, you’ll be rewarded with a gluten free cookie. Redeemable only if you can gain access to the tower I’ve barricaded myself in.
The Rational Eating Program
An article about family, illness, candy, Christianity, Coca-Cola and 1980s Communist Romania.
Klasse in België
My first day of school in Belgium would have been terrifying, if it weren’t for a painting. Standing in the lobby of a football-field-sized hall filled with shouting, excited children, I was frozen still. Not knowing the language, I couldn’t speak, only mustering enough strength to look over my shoulder at mom, who was quickly…
The moment I decided to go to OCAD was the last day we were eligible to apply for post-secondary. It was my final semester at Northview, a place infamous for Matti Baranovski, a student brutally beaten to death over his refusal to share his cigarettes. Luckily our tobaccy was getting more wacky, although I came…